Sunday, May 22, 2016

Re: How to set CTRL and minus as a key mapping?

On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 6:37 PM, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov
<> wrote:
> 2016-05-21 1:35 GMT+03:00 Tony Mechelynck <>:
>> On Sat, May 21, 2016 at 12:00 AM, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov
>> <> wrote:
>>> 2016-05-20 23:03 GMT+03:00 Tony Mechelynck <>:
>>>> On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 4:48 PM, Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov
>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> 2016-05-18 14:08 GMT+03:00 Igor Forca <>:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> I really like to use big fonts in my gVim 7.4 on Windows 7. But time to time I would like to have smaller font size, to actually see bigger picture (without need to move up or down).
>>>>>> In this case I would like to create key mapping CTRL and minus to shrink font and CTRL and plus to set it back to normal. Something very similar is used in a lot of programs like in Firefox (to zoom up/down).
>>>>>> What I have figure it out I can set the following:
>>>>>> nnoremap <C-x> <Esc>:set guifont=Consolas:h9:cDEFAULT<CR>
>>>>>> nnoremap <C-y> <Esc>:set guifont=Consolas:h15:cDEFAULT<CR>
>>>>>> and works fine, but instead of C-x and C-y I would like to set C-- and C-+
>>>>>> like:
>>>>>> nnoremap <C--> <Esc>:set guifont=Consolas:h9:cDEFAULT<CR>
>>>>>> nnoremap <C-+> <Esc>:set guifont=Consolas:h15:cDEFAULT<CR>
>>>>>> But when pressing CTRL and minus nothing happens, the same with CTRL and plus.
>>>>>> It looks like there is something else going on. How to debug this problem? How to map "CTRL and minus" and "CTRL and plus" to above setting?
>>>>> You cannot use modifiers with any non-ASCII character and some of the
>>>>> ASCII ones: namely those that do not live in range 0x40 .. 0x5F: i.e.
>>>>> from `@` to underscore; . The single exception are special keys like
>>>>> F1..F12, arrows, etc. So `<C-->` is probably `<C-_>`, but `<C-+>` will
>>>>> not work, this is by design (problem is internal representation of
>>>>> those keys and legacy from the days when Vi supported ASCII-only
>>>>> terminals, modern terminal emulators *still* not supporting more key
>>>>> combinations makes this issue even harder because it narrows down a
>>>>> number of people who need this fixed; strange, but `:echo "\<C-+>"`
>>>>> yields something which looks like special internal representation of
>>>>> `<C-+>`, but still this key combo is not going to work). Neovim has
>>>>> wider support of such key combinations, but AFAIR its Windows build is
>>>>> still experimental (and I do not know about GUI).
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>> What might work is to use Alt instead of Ctrl. The usual result
>>>> (depending on your terminal settings) is that Alt sets the 0x80 bit on
>>> OP mentions gVim. So terminal settings are not involved. Do not know
>>> how `<A-` is encoded there, but `:echo "\<A-t>"` producing U+00F4
>>> (note: *not* 0xF4 byte) (&encoding is utf-8) suggests that it would be
>>> again handled in a strange fashion.
>>>> printable keys, so that <A--> maps to 0xAD or U+00AD which is (in
>>>> Latin1 and in UTF-8) the soft-hyphen, and <A-+> maps to 0xAB or U+00AB
>>> 0xAD byte is *not* U+00AD in UTF-8. U+00AD in UTF-8 is 0xC2 0xAD. Same
>>> for U+00AB.
>> I didn't mean U+00AD was single-byte 0xAD in UTF-8; indeed, the latter
>> is illegal alone. I meant Alt adds (or, I think, ORs) a 0x80 bit,
> In terminals (depending on the configuration) it indeed may do OR
> 0x80, resulting in a *byte* 0xAD. Depends on the terminal and its
> setting: e.g. xterm may send any of <Esc>-, 0xAD byte and U+00AD,
> depending on its settings and locale. I do not understand why gVim
> have chosen to use U+00AD, but AFAIR that was discussed a few times.
>> changing the minus sign to 0xAD in Latin1 or U+00AD in UTF-8: when I
>> hit Alt-minus in Insert mode in my gvim instance (X11 Huge with
>> GTK2/Gnome2), with 'encoding' set to utf-8, I get U+00AD: ga answers
>> "< > 173, Hex 00ad, Octal 255" and g8 answers (as you noticed) "c2
>> ad". For the record, if instead of Alt-minus I hit Ctrl-V followed by
>> Alt-minus I get exactly the same. So I expect that <A--> and <A-+>,
>> when sourced in the {lhs} of a :map instruction after having made sure
>> that 'encoding' is UTF-8 and that 'nocompatible' is set (the latter
> &compatible setting is almost never checked by Vim. (Un)setting it
> triggers setting other settings, which are being checked, but still
> you can always have &compatible==1 and make Vim behave like
> &compatible==0 most of time (:set-& and :version will still behave
> slightly differently and scrolling back with more-prompt will be
> disabled). The recognition of <…> keys is enabled/disabled by a flag
> in &cpoptions, not by &compatible.
Dotting i's and barring t's aren't you? Yes, recognizing <> depends on
the "<" flag in 'cpoptions' not being set. Unless you set it yourself,
that flag is set by ":set compatible" or by ":set cpo&vi" and cleared
by ":set nocompatible" or by ":set cpo&vim", so in most cases <>
mappings will be recognised under 'nocompatible' and not under
'compatible', not because Vim tests that option directly but because
of the way it affects 'cpoptions'. So yes, for people like you I ought
to have said «having made sure [...] that the "<" flag in 'cpoptions'
is at its 'nocompatible' (unset) setting» which would have been more
precise computer-wise but possibly also less clear to a newbie human.

>> for the <> mappings), would be stored internally as U+00AD and U+00AB
>> respectively, and recognized correctly when hit in Normal mode later
>> on.
>>>> which is the opening French quote. AFAIK neither of these collides
>>>> with anything useful in Normal mode, but in Insert mode your text
>>>> writing habits may (or may not) call for soft-hypens and/or French
>>>> quotes.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Tony.


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