On 12/05/2016 21.58, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> Gabriele Fava wrote;
>> It's not inftp.vim.org/pub/vim/pc, is it somewhere else?
> Sorry, no. Perhaps another Windows build has it?
Thanks for the reply, hard to believe I'm speaking to Bram Moolenar !!
As to the subject matter:
The pdb file is generated by the compiler along with the executable, and
to debug a crash you need the specific one associated with the
executable that crashed.
If you use a pdb generated for an executable with few differences from
the one which crashed you might be able to get somewhat along, but you
can easily get incorrect debug information and you'll probably have to
change some debugger option to be able to load the pdb.
So it's much better for everyone to ensure that you always generate the
pdbs and always distribute them along with the associated executables
(or make them available at some remote symbol server).
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