Sunday, May 15, 2016

Re: Vim can't recognize text file, but Notepad++ can

On Sun, May 15, 2016, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2016-05-15 19:08, 'Suresh Govindachar' via vim_use wrote:
> > I exported the entire Windows registry -- resulting text file is
> > about 500 MBytes. I can open this text file in Notepad++ -- but
> > opening it in Vim results in just tons of @ signs.
> Does the content alternate between "@" signs and actual content
> characters? It sounds suspiciously like a UTF-16 file (Windows likes
> to call this "Unicode") that Vim is reading yet somehow
> misinterpreting. Is your vimrc trying to set the 'encoding' or
> 'fileencoding' settings in an incongruous way?
> You might try
> :e ++enc=utf16 file.txt
> to force Vim to use utf16 to open the file. It would also help to
> know what vim outputs when you issue
> :set encoding? fileencodings?

I'm actually thinking the @ signs are the ones used by Vim when there
isn't enough space on the screen to completely fit one or more logical
lines of text in the file. I wouldn't expect that to happen with a
registry *text* file, though.

Eric Christopherson

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