I usually use the command `dt"` and `dt[` to delete the content from the current position to the mark [ or ".
Is there a way that use the commannd `dtt`(for example) to combine the two `dt[` and `dt"` command?
for example , `$` mark the current position of the curor.
1. "aaaa$bbbb"[cccccddddd] ; command dtt delete bbbb
2. "aaaabbbb"[ccccc$ddddd] ; command dtt delete ddddd
3. [ccccc"aaaa$bbbb"ddddd] ; command dtt delete bbbb, find the " or ] which is closer to the current curor
I think it need a custum function to make it.
And the problem for me now is now to locate the closer " or ], and then delete to the mark.
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