Sunday, June 5, 2016

Re: [bug] getchar(0) should not return `<80><fc>^B`

在 2016年6月6日星期一 UTC+8下午12:35:25,Yggdroot Chen写道:
> execute the following commands:
> :set nomore
> :while 1|sleep 1|echo getchar(0)|endw
> if input the key <shift-leftmouse>, the output will be:
> <80><fc>^B<80><fd>,
> <80><fc>^B<80><fd>.
> <80><fc>^B
> <80><fc>^B
> <80><fc>^B
> <80><fc>^B
> ...
> I think the output should be
> <80><fc>^B<80><fd>,
> <80><fc>^B<80><fd>.
> 0
> 0
> 0
> ...
> There is a bug here.

<shift-rightmouse>,<ctrl-leftmouse>,<ctrl-rightmouse> have the same issue.

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