Monday, June 13, 2016

Re: Different hard line wrap behavior with neocomplete

Hi Claus!

On Mo, 13 Jun 2016, Claus Atzenbeck wrote:

> Hello:
> I experience a different behaviour regarding hard line wraps in Vim
> (7.4. on Ubuntu) and enabled neocomplete package.
> Without neocomplete, I have set up Vim in a way that it inserts a
> hard line wrap while typing. That means, when reaching the given
> textwidth in insert mode, the line would break.
> With neocomplete enabled, however, the wrapping of the line becomes
> visible only on exiting insert mode or starting a new line (i.e.
> pressing return). Up to then, the display looks like I would write
> text in a single line.
> Does anybody else also experience this behavior?

What version is this? Can you post a screenshot perhaps?

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