Sunday, June 5, 2016

Re: Redirection of

2016-06-05 18:33 GMT+03:00 Ni Va <>:
> Hi,
> I am using vim7.4 and wonder why it is netrw that is called by default when I type :e mydir.
> When I type :command E, this output this list
> :command E
> Name Args Address Complete Definition
> ! E * 0c dir <args>
> ! EditFile 1 customlist edit<bang> <args>
> ! Explore * 0c dir call netrw#Explore(<count>,0,0+<bang>0,<q-args>)
> Expresso 0 2 call s:Expresso('range', <line1>, <line2>)
> Particularly command Explore output this:
> :command Explore
> Name Args Address Complete Definition
> ! Explore * 0c dir call netrw#Explore(<count>,0,0+<bang>0,<q-args>)
> How to redefine my :e command in order to call my func like netrw.

:E* commands have nothing to do with `:e dir` behaviour: it is
controlled by some BufRead* autocommand. The autocmd intended for this
exact job is BufReadCmd, but I am not sure that specifically in *this*
case it would be sane to use it: if something like `*/` does not work
as a pattern to identify directories the only pattern left would be
`*` and that would catch everything which will break other
BufReadCmd-based plugins, so it may be BufReadPre or BufReadPost.

Since there are lots of BufReadPost patterns it is better to check
netrw source directly.

> I use VimFilerExplorer with some argues :
> exe 'VimFilerExplorer -winwidth=45 -explorer-columns=type:size:time -parent ' . path
> --
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