Monday, June 13, 2016

Re: Spellcheck after Ellipsis again

>>Someone on the list gave me a way to stop spellchecker picking up on
>>uncapitalised words after an ellipsis, which I use in
>>~/.vim/ftplugin/tex.vim and it works great.
>>However, I found that the same thing in txt.vim doesn't work.
>>Any idea why this is not working?
>>These are the lines:
>>setl spell
>>syn match Ellipsis /[.][.][.]\s\+\l.*\>/ contains=@NoSpell transparent
>>syn match Ellipsis2 /[.][.][.]\n\s\+\l.*\>/ contains=@NoSpell transparent
>>syn cluster Spell add=Ellipsis
>>syn cluster Spell add=Ellipsis2
>>I also put them in ~/.vim/plugin/settings but that doesn't seem to
>>work either.
>OK I have found what the problem is, but haven't yet found a fix.
>In my txt file I have a modeline:
>% vim: syn=tex
>If I take that out it works as expected, but I want to use tex syntax.
>Any ideas? (Other than renaming my txt files to tex)

Actually, renaming doesn't work either. It seems that some things are
still spellchecked up the top of the document. If I put an ellipsis
near the end it's fine.


I'm sure there is a setting for how much of the buffer is checked, but
I haven't found it yet.

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