Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Re: Spellcheck after Ellipsis again

On 14.06.16 05:57, Tony Mechelynck wrote:
> if has('digraphs') && has('multi_byte')
> dig ** 8226 " • U+2022 BULLET
> dig ,, 8230 " … U+2026 HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS
> " dig ff 64256 " ff U+FB00 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FF the commented ones
> " dig fi 64257 " fi U+FB01 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FI exist by default
> " dig fl 64258 " fl U+FB02 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FL
> dig qi 64259 " ffi U+FB03 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFI
> dig ql 64260 " ffl U+FB04 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE FFL
> " dig ft 64261 " ſt U+FB05 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE LONG S T
> " dig st 64262 " st U+FB06 LATIN SMALL LIGATURE ST
> endif

Many thanks, Tony.
I'll grab that as a basis for a tweaked set for here.

Thanks again,


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