Saturday, June 4, 2016

Snips don't work : Combine YouCompleteMe Jedi and UltiSnips


I'am using YoucComplete me and it well works to complete python code and others.

But I need UltiSnips functionality so this plugin and Jedi are installed but I got those messages when I try to put for snip in python code.

Messages maintainer: Bram Moolenaar <>
"usr_05.txt" [RO] 624L, 22873C
"jedi-vim.txt" [RO][unix] 544L, 23197C
"D:\Travail\Niva\VimStandalone\Vim\awesomeplugins\python\" 42L, 769C
Please install Jedi if you want to use jedi-vim.
The error was: No module named jedi

Meanwhile my ft detects python and this is my plugins'set in joined picture.

Thank you for help
Best Regards

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