Monday, July 25, 2016

Re: Changing the defaults with Vim 8

On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:10 PM, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> Hi Bram!
> On So, 24 Jul 2016, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
>> > please no hlsearch. That is most often annoying.
>> Well, I find it useful. But I suppose that's more a personal
>> preference.
> perhaps, if we made ctrl-l clear the search highlighting by default?
>> > some more I would set, the mentioned
>> > :set display+=lastline
>> As mentioned, I don't use it myself, I expect long time Vi/Vim users to
>> be surprised if this changes.
> Really? I think the default of a bunch of '@'
> doesn't really help anybody, instead show at least the beginning of the
> line.

For people like me, who set 'wrap', display-=lastline would replace a
"long last line" by several rows of @@@@@... which can be _extremely_
annoying. Just @@@ at bottom right (or at bottom left if 'rightleft'
is set) should IMHO be sufficient to show that the line goes on after
the end of the screen, without filling maybe half the screen with only
row after row after row of only at-signs.

Of course I set +=lastline myself, since I need it and ATM it is not a
default, but I can't imagine someone hollering in dismay if a last
line (of several screen lines if 'wrap' is set) weren't anymore filled
with at-signs only, but only the last three character cells were.

> Just my opinion however,
> Best,
> Christian

And just mine.

Best regards,

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