Thursday, July 21, 2016

Re: Is there a way to run a shell script that "calls" VIM from outside, passing parameters to it (without to open yours interface)?

Em quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2016 17:01:41 UTC-3, Tumbler Terrall escreveu:
> Sure, make a custom function that takes parameters. Then call it from the shell like so:
> vim -c"call MyFunction(myParameter1, myParameter2)"
> You'll need to dynamically fill in the parameters, but that should be manageable.
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Michel Grassi <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to know if someone here can help-me.
> I need to store in a variable in the shell prompt the stdout of "vim -c {parameters}".
> But to make it works and meet my need, the Vim must be run externally by the shell (something like "vim -c{input recognized by vim}"), passing it input parameters and the result of this output, store in a variable X.
> I tried using the command vim -c 'command vim' but this did not work !
> Explaining what I need is:
> 1) The Vim must be "called" by a and should take parameters as input to do something.
> 2) This parameters, will be passed to vim in variables (three variables). The variables are: $A, that contains a file name, $L that contains the number of a line of this file and $C that contains column number (the cursor position on the line $L)
> 3) With those data, the vim will use this input shift the cursor to the line $L at position $C of $A file.
> 4) Once the cursor being in the requested position, the char contained in the specified position must be copied and assigned to the variable X shell.
> --
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Ok, I understand, but I'm an amateur in Vim implementation.
Can you help me?
How can I to implement a function that go to, for example, line 123, position(column) 5, and that write the result into a kernel variable? I have no idea how do this.

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