Thursday, July 14, 2016

Re: vim function argument


Yang Luo schrieb am 14.07.2016 um 08:41:
> I write a function like this:
> function InsertNumber(start, end, step)
> let i = a:start
> let curr_line = 0
> while i <= a:end
> if a:step <= 0
> echo "Error: step cannot <=0."
> break
> endif
> call append(curr_line, i)
> let i += a:step
> let curr_line += 1
> endwhile
> endfunction
> when I call this function, I type this:
> :echo InsertNumber(8,10,1)
> 8
> 9
> 10
> 1) How can I give arguement "step" a default value(eg: 1) when define the function?
> like a C function:
> void C_func(int a, int b_have_default_val = 1)
> {
> ;
> }

you can use optional arguments like this

function InsertNumber(start, end, ...)
if a:0 == 0
let l:step = 1
let l:step = a:1

> 2)
> I want to print number like this, how to do it?
> 08
> 09
> 10

Use the printf() function:

call appendline(curr_line, printf('%02d', i))

Or if your numbers can have more than two digits:

let width = trunc(log10(a:end)) + 1
let format = '%0' . width . 'd'
call appendline(curr_line, printf(format, i))


Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us. (Calvin)

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