Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Re: Vim 8 pre-announcement

On 2016-08-17 14:14:52 +0000, Xavier Noria said:

> On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:21 PM, Bryan Richter <> wrote:
>     packages=(
>       a
>       b
>       ...)
>     for p in $packages; do
>         mkdir -p ~/.vim/pack/$package/start
>         cd !$
>         git clone $package
>     done
> From the description of the feature I imagined one could basically have
> a local bundle:
>     ~/.vim/pack/bundle/start
> where you just throw individual plugins in a similar manner as how you
> do with pathogen.vim, and expect proper packages to appear and have
> their own directory.
> Maybe people that have already used packages have some best practices in mind.

You may search for the thread "Packages: best practices?" from last
March, where I outlined my ideas.


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