Saturday, September 24, 2016

Re: Cursor doesn't move to top of screen when issuing a 'zt'

On 2016-09-24 08:40, Scott Friedemann wrote:
> After installing v8.0 on two different Windows computers, when I
> issue a 'zt' to move the cursor location to the top of the screen,
> there are always 5 lines above the cursor position. I imagine this
> is a setting, but cannot find. This happens with a number of cursor
> movements at the top and bottom of the screen. As this is new
> behavior for me, I am starting to get used to it and even see the
> advantage, but I would like to be able to control it.
> Can someone tell me the setting that controls this?

This sounds suspiciously like the 'scrolloff' setting has been
set to 5. (re)setting it back to 0 should get you the standard


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