Friday, September 23, 2016

Re: Is vim supporting 24 bit colors?

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 4:26 AM, KiYugadgeter <> wrote:
> Is vim supporting 24 bit colors?
> I want to use vim on windows10 bash.
> windows 10 bash is supporting 24bit colors on beta version.
> Will vim support 24bit colors?

Vim supports between 2 (2^1) and 16777216 (2^24) colors, depending on
how many _it can tell that_ your terminal supports. This is set by the
termcap variable t_Co or by the equivalent terminfo setting, and these
settings depend in turn on the 'term' setting (q.v.) If $TERM is not
set, and Vim has no way of knowing otherwise, it will set an
OS-dependent 'term' default: for 32- or 64-bit Windows, 'term'
defaults to "win32". To see the number of colours Vim thinks that your
terminal supports, use
:set t_Co?

For me, 256 colors are good enough, and once I set up my vimrc to make
Vim use (as closely as possible) the same colors in a console and in
the GUI, I can't tell the difference by the naked eye. See

See also ":help term.txt", especially the first two sections.

Best regards,

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