Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Re: No such highlight group name: netrwMarkFile

Am Dienstag, 27. September 2016 16:06:17 UTC+2 schrieb DrChip:
> Johann Höchtl wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am using
> > Vim 8.0.7, netrw v156
> >
> > When I highlight a file in netrw using mf, it is not highlighted, neither on the console, nor in gvim.
> >
> > If I first mark files and later a target mt , I get the error
> >
> > Error detected while processing function <SNR>17_NetrwMarkFileTgt[63]..<SNR>17_LocalBrowseRefresh[57]..<SNR>17_Netr
> > wRefresh:
> > line 28:
> > E28: No such highlight group name: netrwMarkFile
> > Error detected while processing function <SNR>17_NetrwMarkFileTgt[69]..<SNR>17_NetrwRefresh:
> > line 28:
> > E28: No such highlight group name: netrwMarkFile
> >
> > However, a subsequent copy mc succeeds.
> >
> > It is very cumbersome to work without highlighting of marked files.
> >
> Hello:
> I see the problem; must be a new thing with vim 8. I'll look into it.
Thank you very much. However the biggest issue was that I didn't have highlighting enabled ;) Nonetheless without highlighting enabled, no such error should be given IMHO.

> Chip Campbell

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