Sunday, September 18, 2016

Re: norm 1G does not work on vim8.0.4

On Sunday, September 18, 2016 at 1:21:53 PM UTC+2, Tim Chase wrote:
> On 2016-09-18 02:55, Ni Va wrote:
> > > And stepping back, if you're writing *either* "norm 1G" or "norm!
> > > 1G" just write
> > >
> > > 1
> > >
> > > or whichever line-number you want to go to. Likewise, just use
> > > "$" rather than "norm G" or "norm! g"
> > >
> > > :help range
> > >
> > > -tim
> >
> > Thank you men for advices, it is located in a buffer opened by the
> > plugin Vimfiler that aims to review natural original vim mapping.
> >
> > I was'not writing but just readgin and wanted to see the first line
> > of buffer so when I'm in normal mode I don't want to switch to
> > command mode with :[range]move {address}
> I'm not suggesting using ":[range]move {address}" but rather just the
> number. So instead of your script looking something like
> function! Test(...)
> call do_something(args)
> norm! 1G
> call do_something_else(args)
> endfunction
> it would instead just read
> function! Test(...)
> call do_something(args)
> 1
> call do_something_else(args)
> endfunction
> -tim

Oh ok Tim. Thanks a lot.

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