Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Re: textwidth is fastened at 78, and "Function MyDiff already exists" message pops up when configuration update

On Sep 20, 김재학 (김재학) wrote:
>when I command 'set tw=120' , it has no effect. Always textwidth is 78 in (*.txt), and 0 in (*.c)
>editor is not compatible and nopaste , but I don't understand why this happening is happened

tw is probably set somewhere else; check:

:verbose set tw?

>message like "Function MyDiff already exists~~" was shown.

:h :function yeilds:

When a function by this name already exists and [!] is not used
an error message is given. When [!] is used, an existing
function is silently replaced. Unless it is currently being
executed, that is an error.

so define your function as:

fu! MyDiff

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