Friday, September 23, 2016

Sandboxing (Was: Searching for a typing game)

* arocker@Vex.Net <arocker@Vex.Net> [160923 15:46]:
> > In the Windows world people try to protect themselves using antivirus
> > software, with very limitted success. In the FOSS world I usually do
> > this by limitting installations to packages supported by my distro. Is
> > there any other way in which one can reduce the chances of installing
> > malware?
> Create a user with very limited privileges, (i.e. not a member of any
> group in common with anyone else), limited executable directories, and
> definitely no sudo rights. Use that id to download, and unzip in their
> directories. Have a few short text files in their directories, and look
> for any changes to them.
For that I can also recommend firejail


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