Monday, October 17, 2016

Compile and Run Java Projects

I am using vim to code my java projects. I've been noticing I've been jumping back to the terminal a lot to compile and run my code. So I want to create a function that does all this for me (and gets rid of the class files afterwards). The code below is my attempt. Could someone let me know how I can fix my code?

func! CompileFolderJava()

" compile all java files in folder of the current buffer
:!javac "%:p:h" . "/*.java" " javac path/name/to/current/buffer/directory/*.java

" run Main java file in that folder
:!java "%:p:h" . ".Main" " java path/name/to/current/buffer/directory.Main

" delete all the .class files in that folder
:!rm "%:p:h" . ".class"

" :echo "Done"

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