Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Different colors on -t vs :ta


If there are multiple matches to a tag, vim shows a menu where "# pri kind tag file" are printed.

If I do vim -t tag, the colors of the above menu title and the tag are magenta/purple while the filename is in dark blue. Since my background is a dark blue, this looks terrible/invisible.

On doing a :ta tag in vim, the colors are fine. It's a very light magenta/pink for the menu title and tag, and light cyan for the filename. This looks proper on my dark blue background.

I have syntax on, colo default and bg=dark in my vimrc. My tags file is set in vimrc also, so I know -t is reading the vimrc before it processes the tag, but somehow the syntax highlighting colors are wrong. Any ideas? Thank you.


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