Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Re: Keyword completion as a fallback for omnicompletion

On 2016-10-04 14:15:42 +0000, Lifepillar said:

> Hello Vim experts,
> for certain filetypes I'd find it convenient to fallback to keyword completion
> automatically when omnifunc fails, either because omnifunc is not defined or,
> more interestingly, because no omnifunc pattern matches. So far, I have come
> up with the following code:
> fun! MyComplete()
> if strlen(&omnifunc) > 0
> let c = call(&omnifunc, [1,''])
> if c >= 0
> let matches = call(&omnifunc, [0, strpart(getline('.'), c,
> col('.') - c)])
> if !empty(matches)
> return "\<c-x>\<c-o>"
> end
> end
> end
> return "\<c-x>\<c-p>"
> endf
> imap <expr><silent> <tab> pumvisible() ? "\<c-n>" : MyComplete()
> This does what I want, but it bothers me that I have to use <c-x><c-o> when
> I have already retrieved all the matches. I could use completefunc, but then
> I would not know how to return the list that <c-x><c-p> produces (is there
> a function for that?).
> Do you have any hint on how I could solve this more efficiently?

FYI, I have found this:

It works, although it's kind of magic at this point for me.


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