Saturday, October 15, 2016

Re: Leader ?

Mohammed <> [16-10-15 20:28]:
> On 10/15/2016 09:12 PM, wrote:
> >Hi Mohammed,
> >
> >thanks for your reply ! :)
> >
> >It seems, that my vim is somehow misconfigured...
> >Is there a way to check, what the leader is like
> >":set ft<return>" does for the filetype ?
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Meino
> >
> >
> Hello, Meino
> You can use :echo mapleader to see what it is mapped to. If it says
> mapleader is undefined then that means it is the default which is the
> backslash. To set it, use :let mapleader = "\\" to set it to backslash
> or any other key you want.
> Hope I answered your question.
> Cheers,
> Mohammed.
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Hi Mohammed,

YEAH! :)

Thanks a lot, Mohammed -- exactly what I needed! :))


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