Friday, October 28, 2016

Re: patch for perl.vim to follow pod.vim's instructions

Hi L.!

On Do, 27 Okt 2016, L. A. Walsh wrote:

> Is this the way to submit updates for problems?
> syntax/pod.vim shows how to include pod sections and says to
> put the option "contained" in each region defined
> in an "including" language.
> syntax/perl.vim doesn't do this.
> Result -- when I have pod in my perl.vim file, the pod can turn off
> syntax highlighting for perl-code that follows. I've put together
> a patch that seems to address the problem (?)
> Note, I do have "perl_include_pod" set to 1.

I believe, is the upstream repository for
perl runtime files.

Es gibt keine schüchternen Lehrlinge mehr, es gibt nur noch
schüchterne Meister.
-- Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

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