Monday, October 3, 2016

Re: Slow Python syntax highlighting

Hi François!

On Mo, 03 Okt 2016, François Ingelrest wrote:

> On 2 October 2016 at 22:29, Dominique Pellé wrote:
> > Can you also try to measure it automatically as I did? Just to make
> > sure that what I measure is what you also observe.
> This is what I got with line 85 (the slow one):
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +85 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.17s user 0.00s system 63% cpu 0.277 total
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +85 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.14s user 0.03s system 63% cpu 0.272 total
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +85 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.16s user 0.02s system 62% cpu 0.275 total
> And this is for line 87 (the fast one):
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +87 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.05s user 0.01s system 98% cpu 0.057 total
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +87 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.05s user 0.00s system 32% cpu 0.149 total
> % time vim -u ./vimrc --noplugin +87 -c 'norm! o' -c 'q!'
> 0.04s user 0.00s system 30% cpu 0.146 total
> Visually I can tell that the second line executes faster than the
> first one. Also note that I used 'o' and not 'O'. With 'O', line 87
> takes more time but is still faster than line 85. There's not much
> difference for line 85.

I haven't checked yet, but could that possibly be a duplicate of

Are you using python indent plugin and does it work better, if you
disable the indent plugin?

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