Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Re: What is the blank char in my file?

On 8 November 2016 at 12:44, Tony Mechelynck
<antoine.mechelynck@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2016 at 1:22 PM, A. S. Budden <abudden@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 1 November 2016 at 17:00, 李哲 <imlegendlzz@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> As the pic say~
>>>> I find a blank char in my file but I can't match it by \s+, I want to delete it, what should I do?
>> On 8 November 2016 at 10:01, Yongwei Wu <wuyongwei@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Put the cursor over the character and type "g8".
>>> :help g8
>>> 8 Print the hex values of the bytes used in the
>>> character under the cursor, assuming it is in |UTF-8|
>>> encoding. This also shows composing characters. The
>>> value of 'maxcombine' doesn't matter.
>>> Example of a character with two composing characters:
>>> e0 b8 81 + e0 b8 b9 + e0 b9 89 ~
>>> {not in Vi} {only when compiled with the |+multi_byte|
>>> feature}
>> The above is probably the best way to find out what it is; if you want
>> to delete all instances of it, one way that has worked for me in the
>> past is:
>> * Put the cursor on the character
>> * Press y<space> to "yank" it into the unnamed register
>> * Type :%s/<C-R>"//g (where <C-R>" means press Ctrl & R together and
>> then press shift-2 or whatever combination on your keyboard gives a
>> double-quote) - this pulls the unnamed register content into the
>> command line
>> You can also use the output of g8 with:
>> %s/\%uXXXX//g (where XXXX is the hex code shown by g8) - see :help \%u
>> for more info
>> Al
> For %u you need the Unicode codepoint (the hex part of the output of
> ga) not the individual byte values (as shown by g8). They are
> different for every codepoint above U+007F, and if it were ASCII (i.e.
> lower than U+0080) the OP wouldn't asking "What is that strange blank
> character?"

Ah, yes, good point - whoops! I was thinking of "ga", which I think
you can use in this situation as it shows a four-digit hex value that
can then be used with \%u.


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