Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Re: How to set the language of ui in gvim

On Tuesday, December 13, 2016 at 10:02:16 PM UTC+8, Zhe Lee wrote:
> According to this link I already add the language setting code into my vimrc file.
> "Set The Language Of The Vim"
> set langmenu=en_US
> let $LANG = 'en_US'
> source $VIMRUNTIME/delmenu.vim
> source $VIMRUNTIME/menu.vim
> But the language on the ui is still CN how to change that ?

I use Vim8 and my os is windows

According to the post here. which is provided by Christian Brabandt.

Seems the delete the lang folder is the only way that work for me.

Again really appreciate everyone who give me a suggestion every one, I have tried.
TNX : )

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