Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Re: job_start the make command

Nivamail wrote:

> Le mardi 13 décembre 2016 23:19:00 UTC+1, Bryan Richter a écrit :
> > On Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 10:04:53AM -0800, Ni Va wrote:
> > > Hi,
> > >
> > > I am using a useful tool rigrep to search content through dirs and
> > > files.
> > >
> > > Then I have applied it to makeprg and set errorformat to display found
> > > informations like this :
> > >
> > >
> > > let &makeprg = expand("$VIM").'\vim80\rg.exe -n ' . l:args
> > > let &errorformat = '%f:%l:%m'
> > > make
> > > copen
> > >
> > > It works perfectly and found items are well displayed with copen. Now
> > > I would like to job_start the command make and retrieve same display
> > > in the copened list.
> > >
> > > How can I do that ?
> > > Thanks by advance
> >
> > There are two bits of advice I have.
> >
> > First, vim is very familiar with tools for searching through dirs and
> > files. The most well-known is called grep (perhaps you also know it).
> > vim has a command specifically for doing these searches: ":grep". You
> > can control it with 'grepprg' just like you can control ":make" with
> > 'makeprg'. I suggest you get comfortable using those ones!
> >
> > (I also use ripgrep. Here are the relevant configurations for me on
> > Linux):
> >
> > set grepprg=rg\ --vimgrep
> > set grepformat=%f:%l:%c:%m
> >
> > Second, you can use the AsyncRun plugin in order to run 'grepprg'
> > asynchronously. The syntax is a bit cumbersome, but it looks like:
> >
> > :AsyncRun -program=grep SEARCH_TERMS
> >
> > That will run 'grepprg' in the background and populate the errorlist
> > as you desire.
> >
> >
> >
> > I hope someone has a better solution than this plugin. :) Maybe one
> > day :grep will automatically be async?
> Thank you Bryan for advices.
> Applying that example
> " From
> I have done this code.
> function! BackgroundCommandClose(channel)
> " Read the output from the command into the quickfix window
> execute "cfile! " . g:backgroundCommandOutput
> " Open the quickfix window
> copen
> unlet g:backgroundCommandOutput
> endfunction
> fun! utils#Search(args) "{{{
> "
> "
> "
> let prgPath = expand("$vimruntime")."/rg.exe"
> if !file_readable(prgPath)
> echoerr "rigrep tool not found in ".$vimruntime
> return -1
> endif
> let l:args = empty(a:args) ? expand("<cword>") : a:args
> let cmd = prgPath . ' -n ' . l:args
> " Async func
> let g:backgroundCommandOutput = tempname()
> let j = job_start(cmd, {'close_cb': 'BackgroundCommandClose', 'out_io': 'file', 'out_name': g:backgroundCommandOutput})
> endfu
> command! -bang -nargs=* -complete=file Search call utils#Search(<q-args>)
> It works very well in background and copen the cfile well formatted.
> Maybe you can advise me how optimizing BackgroundCommandClose func declaration in order to declare it within the utilsSearch func.
> But thank for your advices.

This looks like a good start for a very useful plugin. One that I would
like to include in Vim.

What I would prefer is something that works just like :make, but in the
background. It would have the same arguments as :make and use the
'makeprg' option. Only that the quickfix list is set much later.
Could call it :MakeBackground.

My wishlist:
- When using it again before the previous job is finished, prompt the
user if he wants to abort the already running job. I quite often run
:make and than realize I forgot one change.
- Open the quickfix window when the --copen argument is given.
- Give a non-intrusive message when the work is done.

Anyone who would be willing to make this work and maintain it?

hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
116. You are living with your boyfriend who networks your respective
computers so you can sit in separate rooms and email each other

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