Sunday, January 15, 2017

man.vim and ansi escape characters

I have a problem when using man.vim that I see a lot of incomplete
ansi control characters and I have not been able to track down
the source of this. Any help is appreciated!

When I start vim with:

vim --noplugin -U NONE

and do

:runtime ftplugin/man.vim
:Man ls

I get a man page with a lot of garbled stuff in it, ie.

LS(1) User Commands LS(1)

ls - list directory contents

1mls 22m[4mOPTION24m]... [4mFILE24m]...



It seems that the escape characters have been incompletely removed.

I am on a newly installed Linux laptop and am running vim 8.0.192
that I compiled --with-features=huge and am using a setup that
I had used on a different machine.

Could there be something in my environment that is problematic?

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