Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Re: new err msg in vim 8 re: setting history size

Hi All,

2017-1-11(Wed) 13:50:09 UTC+9 L A Walsh:
> Bryan Richter wrote:
> > I had to make the same modification when I started using vim 8.
> > The change may be old, but I was using the vim from Ubuntu 14.04 LTS'
> > repository, which is still 7.4.052. So it "feels" like a change that
> > happened for 8.0 :)
> >
> ===
> Yup...opensuse here..similar thing.

The reasons for setting the upper limit are as follows:

I hope it will be helpful.
Best regards,
Hirohito Higashi (a.k.a. h_east)

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