Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Re: Vim 8 command line history not working

On Monday, January 16, 2017 at 1:15:32 PM UTC, Grahame Blackwood wrote:
> Oh, thanks very much Christian - I'll add another post to the PCLinuxOS forum and ask for an update to 8.0.172.
> Cheers
> G
> On 16 January 2017 at 12:13, Christian Brabandt <cblists@256bit.org> wrote:
> Hi Grahame!
> On Mo, 16 Jan 2017, Grahame Blackwood wrote:
> > Hi
> >
> > PCLinuxOS has just upgraded Vim to version 8.0.163 but since then the command
> > line history doesn't work for me. The problem is that any command listed by q/
> > and selected for action just returns me to the file being edited.
> >
> > I've tried to find out if any of the plugins I use are responsible by starting
> > Vim with -u NONE but that hasn't helped because the command line history
> > normally accessed by q/ showed it was empty.
> >
> > Two more attempts at finding the cause also failed:
> >
> > 1) I moved the entire .vim directory to another name hoping that the problem
> > might be caused by one of the plugins I use. This didn't make any difference to the problem. I checked that none of the plugins we listed in :scriptnames
> > and they weren't.
> >
> > 2) Then I tried changing the name of the .vimrc file to 'newvim' to no
> > avail - the problem is still there. Again I checked :scriptnames and nothing
> > showed except the standard scripts in /etc/vim and /usr/share/vim.
> >
> > I put a request on the PCLinuxOS forum to see if anyone else has had the
> > problem but so far there's been no response to my post, although I'm sure I
> > can't be the only Vim user on the forum.
> >
> > Has any one else had this experience and is there a cure or a better way to
> > find the cause of the problem?
> That is a regression, introduced with 8.0.159 and fixed by 8.0.172.
> See issue #1370 https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/1370
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Die Öffentlichkeit! Wie vieler Narren bedarf es, um eine
> Öffentlichkeit zu ergeben?
>                 -- Nicolas Sébastien de Chamfort
> --
> --
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Hi All

Packagers at PClinuxOS have upgraded Vim to 8.0.194 and the problem I had with the command line history is resolved.

Thanks once again Christian and to the Packagers at PClinuxOS.


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