Friday, February 17, 2017

Cryptic Documentation under ":h python-dynamic"

Hey Everyone,

I've been switching to using Vim8.0 on Windows at work. Since UltiSnips requires Python, I installed Python 3.6. The process led me to arrive at the relevant documentation, which states:


MS-Windows ~

To use the Python interface the Python DLL must be in your search path. In a
console window type "path" to see what directories are used. The 'pythondll'
or 'pythonthreedll' option can be also used to specify the Python DLL.

The name of the DLL must match the Python version Vim was compiled with.
Currently the name is "python24.dll". That is for Python 2.4. To know for
sure edit "gvim.exe" and search for "python\d*.dll\c".


I find the second paragraph confusing. Does this mean that only python 2.4 can be used? For example, can I change the pythonthreedll setting to be python36.dll? If not, why even have a setting for the DLL name?


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