Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Filter-like command -- but to insert instead of replacing

Hello Vim users,

I finally decided to post here as I can't find the solution by myself. I'm looking for a way to use some range of the buffer as input to an external command, and *inserting* the command output into the buffer.

I'm aware of the `!` command but it doesn't match my need as it *replaces* the original data. I want to keep them. The `r!` command doesn't match either as (AFAIK) you cannot send data from the buffer as input to the command.

To make things more clear here is a typical use case
(I use the `wc` command for illustration purpose only):

== Original buffer ==============
Mar 2016 1.78%
Apr 2016 1.65%
May 2016 1.79%
Jun 2016 2.02%
Jul 2016 2.33%

Linux Market Share on Desktop

== Command (??? denotes the mystery command I'm looking for)
:1,/^$/-1 ??? wc -l

== Expected buffer ==============
Mar 2016 1.78%
Apr 2016 1.65%
May 2016 1.79%
Jun 2016 2.02%
Jul 2016 2.33%

Linux Market Share on Desktop

Any idea on how to achieve that? If there isn't any Vim command to do that directly, maybe using a register? As you can see, any help or pointer to the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
- Sylvain

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