Thursday, February 23, 2017

Re: Disabling persistent undo for a file mask

On Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 6:10:27 PM UTC+2, Ben Fritz wrote:
> Assuming this is reliably repeatable, before performing the :w command that would create the undo file, do this to see what undolevels is and which script last changed it:
> :verbose set undolevels?

0. empty buffer:
1. I save an empty buffer with :saveas file.sec command: no undo file present
Last set from ~/.vimrc
2. I add text and save this now named buffer with :write command: undo file appears
Last set from ~/.vimrc
3. I add more text and save this buffer again with :write command: undo file disappears.
Last set from ~/.vimrc

That flashing undo file looks like this:

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