Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Re: Disabling persistent undo for a file mask

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 at 5:21:20 PM UTC+2, Ben Fritz wrote:

> What other commands do you have in your .vimrc to enable the undo file for other file types? I'd guess you have an interference going on.

Nothing except this:

set undofile
set undodir=~/.vim/tmp//

No filetype is specified for that (*.sec) particular extension, too.

> It's probably not related to your current problem, but you probably also want a BufNewFile autocmd event in there.

I've tried that, too. No changes: the undofile appears at the second step and disappears at the third.

> Also, why are you using "setlocal undolevels=-1" instead of "setlocal noundofile", if you goal is only to disable persistent undo. Setting undolevels to -1 disables undo *entirely*.

Well, that's my purpose :). Sorry for somewhat misleading subject.

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