Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Re: syntax question.

2017-02-22 23:10 GMT+03:00 sinbad <>:
> How does vim syntax formatting works? for instance when i type ':' the whole line gets left justified to the start of the line, though this action makes sense for c-coding, it also happens for other file types. I want to disable this specific syntax action. how can i achieve that ?
> :set filetype
> filetype=new
> :set syntax
> syntax=new
> these are my current filtype and syntax settings. I just set both of them to a nonexistent value 'new'. but i still see that left justification.

&syntax is completely irrelevant, it is only used for highlighting.
What you need is normally managed by indentation scripts placed in
`{runtimepath}/indent/{filetype}.vim` (uses &filetype). But in
addition to indentation scripts there are default values, specifically
all options containing indent are relevant: `:helpgrep
\*'\w*indent\w*'\*` (or use the same search in `:h options.txt`). Also
there may be option values leaked from previously open filetypes or
global settings set in vimrc/etc.

The easiest solution should be `:setlocal indentkeys-=:`, but this
will only disable reindenting on colon. Vim will *still* think that
line needs to be shifted to the start, yet it will not autoindent when
you type colon.

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