Friday, March 24, 2017

RE: Edit a Mac file with 0x13 CR newlines on Windows?

-----Original Message-----
>> Is it possible on Windows to edit a old-style, pre-OS/X file from a Mac that uses 0x0D (CR) as the newline? If so, how?
>> Does this have something to do with 'set ffs='?
>Yes. The 'fileformats' option specifies which fileformat(s) you want Vim to recognize. It is a comma-separated list: >
>unix: each line ends with a single <NL>, 0x10
>dos: each line ends with a <CR><NL> pair, 0x13 0x10 in that order.
>mac: each line ends with only a <CR>, 0x13.
>Depending on the option's value, Vim will try to determine the 'fileformat' used for the file and set that. Note that Windows
> (dos-format) files lacking an end-of-line on their last line will usually be detected as "unix" if 'fileformats' includes it, displaying a ^M at the end of all other lines, and that when trying to read a file as "dos" (either because the option does not include "unix" or because you forced dos >mode, see below) lines lacking a <CR> before the <NL> will be silently accepted.
>To force a certain fileformat, add e.g. ++ff=mac between the command (:edit, :new, :vsplit, etc.) and the filename.
> :help 'fileformats'
> :help 'fileformat'
> :help file-formats
> :help ++opt

Many thanks to Tony Mechelynck and John Beckett.

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