Thursday, March 23, 2017

Re: Fixate window layout?

2017-03-23 0:02 GMT+01:00 Shawn H Corey <>:
> Try 'winfixheight' and 'winfixwidth'.

And 'winpos' for position.

Maybe I didn't make myself clear. With "window" I refer to windows in vim, not the frame of the gui window.

When I execute the following:

e foo
vsplit bar
windo setl winfixheight winfixwidth

I end up with a tabpage with two vertically split windows.

The commands `wincmd c`, `bdelete` will remove the split and I end up with a single vim window. Neither winfixheight nor winfixwidth protected me from this. But I'd rather expect/want the other window to not change at all and the current window be displaying a new empty buffer -- or the previous buffer if any.

I know that there are some vim tips (i personally use vimtip 1078) & code snippets around that can replace `wincmd c` or `bdelete` and won't change the layout but this doesn't keep plugins from changing the layout.


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