Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Re: RFE: enable gvim to open a buffer or tab in a new window

Hi L!

On Di, 28 Mär 2017, L A Walsh wrote:

> This is likely only pertinent to a GUI version of vim,
> like gvim running over X.
> More than once I've wanted to be able to tear off a tab
> and have gvim open the tab in a new window and
> have the new window function like a "tab"
> (or a "split") -- except the other "view" (in case of
> a split), be in a physically separate window.
> Just the other day, I had two files open in tabs
> (.cc and .h: a C++ source & header). Instead of
> window switching, I wanted to change my visual
> layout for 1 pair of files to see them side-by-side
> (and when I was done, close the 2nd display leaving
> the 2nd file as a 2nd tab in the 1st window.
> If I could tear off & merge tabs it would easily allow
> such operations.

You mean like tear off a tab and make it a new application window (e.g.
before there was only one gvim window and afterwards you have 2 windows
as seen from the operating system)?

That is not currently possible. However it should be possible to script
a plugin, that calls v:progpath with the current window and restores the
view using :mkview and :loadview. However I don't know, if something
like this exists

Armut, Keuschheit und Gehorsam... unerträglich sind sie alle.

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