Friday, March 17, 2017

Weird window resizing behavior when creating a vertical split window

Hi vim_use,

I noticed a strange behavior while creating vertical windows.

Sometimes when a vertical window is created between two other vertical windows, all three windows are improperly resized to a height of only one row.

I managed to 100% reproduce this behavior in 8.0.0342 and 8.0.0473 (the most recent version from GitHub master when I'm writing this post), with this script:

Just run Vim with '-u NONE' and source wrong_window_size.vim. You'll see what I mean.

The wired thing is, the window sizes became correct after I removed the setbufvar() calls in SpawnBufferWindow().

I also tried it with 8.0.0324 (the default version came with Fedora 24), but the problem didn't appear.

Maybe some code between 8.0.0324 and 8.0.0342 messed it up?


Kay Z.

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