Monday, April 10, 2017

Re: Anybody using the Farsi feature?

Hi Behdad!

Can you provide assistance with checking vim's support of UTF-8-based Persian?
See below.

Everybody: Behdad is a Persian speaker and FOSS enthusiast and he's been
contributing to FOSS i18n support for many years, see . So I
recalled him when I saw this thread.



On Sun, 9 Apr 2017 17:03:06 +0200
Tony Mechelynck <> wrote:

> On Sun, Apr 9, 2017 at 2:47 PM, Bram Moolenaar <> wrote:
> >
> > Vim includes Farsi support. This implementation is quite old and uses
> > an encoding standard that is not widely used: ISIR-3342. In fact,
> > searching for that standard has the first 9 matches in Vim code.
> > It does not work with Unicode.
> Farsi code is quite old indeed, possibly older than Vim support for Unicode.
> The Arabic subsystem is newer, makes use of Unicode, and ought to work
> for Farsi in Unicode, even the additional letters added to the Arabic
> alphabet to support the Persian language. "Farsi Yeh" (an Arabic
> letter yeh which loses its two dots below when it is wriiten in
> zig-zag shape, i.e. final or isolated) may or may not be one of them,
> it is used in Classical Arabic in the Mashrek (the Eastern part of the
> Arabic-language domain).
> >
> > Is anobody actually using this code? If not, I think we can remove it.
> > It would be best if it can be replaced by a Unicode implementation. But
> > it requires someone understanding the language to do this.
> Someone understanding Farsi (not me) should check if setting 'arabic',
> and setting a 'guifont' with the proper glyphs for Farsi, are enough
> to write Farsi in Unicode in gvim 8.0. I'm attaching a "phonetic
> Arabic" keymap which ought to be usable (after some getting used to)
> for writing Farsi on a European keyboard, possibly with a few obvious
> additions (obvious to someone knowing Persian). Of course anyone with
> a Persian keyboard won't need mine.
> If the letters added to the Arabic alphabet to support the Farsi
> language don't shape correctly in gvim, then IMHO it should be
> possible to add the necessary shaping rules to our Arabic subsystem.
> These letters are "Arabic letters" in the wide sense of the word after
> all, just like Scandinavian øæå, German äöüß, French àâçéêèëîïùŷÿœ,
> Icelandic ðþ, etc. are "Latin letters" in the wide sense of the word.
> >
> >
> Best regards,
> Tony.

Shlomi Fish

I promised, I forgot, I did not keep my promise — just shoot me, and get on
with it!

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