Monday, April 10, 2017

Re: RFE: enable gvim to open a buffer or tab in a new window

On Fr, 07 Apr 2017, L. A. Walsh wrote:

> I never use full screen unless I'm not doing work (movies/games).
> 80-chars -- many projects require lines to fit in an 80-char
> width. It's a standard in the software world (not so much in the web
> world).
> And there's the final 'rub'... I'll try the other commands
> you mention -- but I gave 1 example (that can't even be
> handled w/80 column widths). When I'm working on a project
> with >50 file-pairs, working to resize any of them manually is a
> pain -- thus my comment that it was easier to quite and restart both
> files in separate 80 column windows (FYI -- my window columns are
> adjusted for the line numbers, automatically, so if a file has
> line numbers turned on in the header, a vim-function takes care of
> resizing the windows wider to handle the extra columns needed for
> the numbering).
> Also, side-by-side is one of the simplest to describe, but
> many times, I'll have windows staggered so a quick click can
> switch me to a different file. <<THAT is a major reason why
> I don't use full screen. When I want to take a break or do
> something else, I'll minimize my 13-vim edit buffs(6-w/2 tabs, +1),
> or if it's a vid or game, just leave them for later. Also if
> full screen I often won't see other application messages hidden
> by the full screen window.

You could do something like this, if you really want a new top level vim
for the file being edited currently:

:let opts=['columns=80', 'tw=80'] " put more options here
:let additional_flags=has("gui_running") ? '-g' : ''

:exe "!".v:progpath additional_flags '-c ":set '.join(opts).'"' expand("%:p")

Stick in there an additional '-R' if you don't want to modify the buffer
(and skip the swap file exists dialogue).

But note, that once you do that, you can't share registers/variables
anymore, just in case it matters.

Gib deine Ideale nicht auf! Ohne sie bist du wohl noch, aber du lebst
nicht mehr.

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