Saturday, April 1, 2017

Re: Word definition includes period?

You're right, for some reason iskeyword has an extra . in it on the Cygwin. I was editing .bashrc at the time. It does not show up on some other file types I tried, so I'll just ignore the problem. Thanks,


From: <> on behalf of Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <>
Sent: Saturday, April 1, 2017 9:19 PM
Subject: Re: Word definition includes period?
2017-04-02 3:17 GMT+03:00 Saurabh T <>:
> Hi,
> While using vim 7.4 on cygwin, I noticed that word characters include a
> period, for example "cw" with cursor on the f of file.html attempts to
> change the entire file.html rather than just file. I have LANG set to C and
> "se encoding" shows latin1, and there's not much in vimrc (identical to the
> one on Linux where this works as expected). What may be the problem here?

$LANG is completely irrelevant, the meaning of word (what is treated
as a word character) is controlled by `&iskeyword` option. What is
worse is that there is a number of syntax and ftplugin files which
think that this is not a user setting, so this option is rather

Note that resetting it may break syntax, need to adjust syntax file to
use :syn iskeyword. If this is the case it is a bug. Note: :syn
iskeyword is relatively recent addition (7.4.1142, Jan 2016), you may
get a difference in the behaviour solely because your Vim is very
outdated (7.4 was released in Aug 2013).

Also feel free to file a bug report to ftplugin maintainer if filetype
plugin happens to alter this setting.

Do not forget to update Vim before filing any bug reports.

> Thanks,
> saurabh

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