Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Re: Bug in ftdetect?

On May 24, Frew Schmidt wrote:

> [...]
> Maybe a dumb question, but why would BufNew be more expensive
> than BufRead? Shouldn't the filetype stuff get run either way?
> I wouldn't expect BufRead to take 500ms and BufNew to take
> multiple seconds, would you?

The bufnew autocommands happen all at once. Change your autocommand
to this instead:

au bufnew *.md echo 'markdown bufnew'
au bufread *.md echo 'markdown bufread'

Then :args * and see what happens.

I think you should still remove the 'BufNew' from your autocommand
(Christian's helpful-looking patch notwithstanding). I can't see
what purpose it serves other than to detect name changes. If that's
a real requirement, there's buffilepost. --Antony

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