Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Re: Vim startup profiling

Le mercredi 24 mai 2017 11:01:31 UTC+2, Dominique Pelle a écrit :
> Ni Va <>:
> > Le mardi 23 mai 2017 21:46:01 UTC+2, Ni Va a écrit :
> >> Le mardi 23 mai 2017 18:14:24 UTC+2, MarcWeber a écrit :
> >> > > Thank you
> >> > Sped up by using a plugin manager supporting lazy loading or as needed
> >> > (vim-addon-manager/Neobundle maybe more).
> >> >
> >> > Typically sourcing twice is not a problem, often guard [1] like guard
> >> > has been setup which is a quick workraound which immediately saves most
> >> > time.
> >> >
> >> > Marc Weber
> >> >
> >> > [1]
> >> >
> >> > if exists("loaded_<name>")
> >> > finish
> >> > endif
> >> > let loaded_<name> = 1
> >> >
> >> > ....
> >>
> >> Ok this one seems better than vundle and save me 100ms at startup but I dig.
> >>
> >>
> >> Thank you Marc !
> >
> > Ok I save 100ms using the plugin manager vim-plug but not enough for me.
> > Is anyone can advise me or explain to me why some files are loaded twice and take twice or more times N msec:
> > - vim80/menu.vim
> > - vim80\filetype.vim
> I did not have the time to analyze your problem,
> but I recall vaguely that if your ~/.vimrc contains
> the "colorscheme" command, it should be at the
> end of the .vimrc otherwise some scripts are sourced
> twice. Sorry if this is vague, I don't remember the
> details and I don't have the time to look at it now.
> But perhaps it helps anyway.
> Dominique

Ok thank you for your advices Dominique And Anthony.
Good Journey

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