Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Re: CTRL-F Setting

On Di, 06 Jun 2017, Gary Johnson wrote:

> On 2017-06-06, Sam wrote:
> > Thanks Gary
> >
> > I looked in _vimrc and it was the second line, followed by "behave
> > mswin". I just put "unmap <C-F>" under that line and I my
> > scrolling returned.
> >
> > Curious though that the Vim installation on my old hard drive has
> > the same _vimrc file and I don't remember having this problem.
> You're welcome.
> I just checked the revision history on mswin.vim and found that it
> was modified with patch 8.0.0321 on February 9, 2017, to add
> mappings for CTRL-F to the search dialog and CTRL-H to the replace
> dialog.

Yes and this was done for being compatible with standard Windows
shortcuts (as requested either here or at the vim/vim issue tracker).

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