Friday, June 30, 2017

Re: Failing to do an install in $HOME from git

P.S. After a failed configure, or after installing additional software
packages, you may want to run "make reconfig" (with configure settings
in the environment) in order to discard whatever was left over from
the previous configure run. This particular make target runs configure
first from a clean slate, and then proceeds to compile and link if the
configure step doesn't end in an error.

Best regards,

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 10:18 PM, Tony Mechelynck
<> wrote:
> See also
> it is written for Mercurial but you should have no difficulty adapting
> it for git. Beware of false friends however: "hg fetch" corresponds to
> "git pull" and vice-versa, and their options may be different. Apart
> from getting the sources, the rest, and in particular the necessity of
> installing all relevant "development" packages from your distro, and
> how to always set consistent configure settings by means of
> environment variables, is common to all Unix-like systems. (Depending
> on what was updated since last time, a plain [supposedly incremental]
> "make" run may sometimes decide that a configure run is needed before
> compiling, and you will want to be ready for that eventuality.)
> Best regards,
> Tony.

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