Thursday, July 13, 2017

Re: enabling tag_any_white

On Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 9:16 PM, Christian Brabandt <> wrote:
> On Do, 13 Jul 2017, Robert wrote:
>> I am trying to help someone that posted in the /r/vim Reddit forum. They are trying to get "tag_any_white" compiled in.
>> He has tried the following:
>> configure:15432: WARNING: unrecognized options: --with-tag_any_white
>> configure:15432: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-tag_any_white
>> Neither worked...
> I already wondered why the OP at reddit wanted to enable all those
> features, even if they do not make sense like ebcdic. It seems one can
> only enable tag_any_white by editing feature.h. Is there any tag program, that
> needs that?
> ,----[ feature.h ]
> | /*
> | * +tag_any_white Allow any white space to separate the fields in a tags
> | * file. When not defined, only a TAB is allowed.
> | */
> | /* #define FEAT_TAG_ANYWHITE */
> `----
> Best,
> Christian
> --
> Heute ist die Utopie vom Vormittag die Wirklichkeit vom Nachmittag.
> -- Truman Capote

Ebcdic should indeed only be enabled by configure, if it finds out
that you are on an ebcdic machine.

There are indeed some features which AFAIK can only be enabled or
disabled by editing feature.h. That's how I'm running with +xterm_save
but -tag_old_static. If you (Robert) really want +tag_any_white you
can uncomment a line somewhere after line 350 of feature.h, but as
Christian implied, the tags files generated by Vim's :helptags
command, or (IIUC) by the Exuberant Ctags program, don't need that

Beware that if you do this you will have what Mercurial calls two
unnamed parallel changeset chains (unnamed branches?) within the
default branch, which you will have to merge (e.g. by using hg fetch
instead of hg pull -u) every time you get new patches from Bram's
repository. I'm not sure how it works if you use a git clone.

Best regads,

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