Thursday, August 17, 2017

Re: does VIM read OK the tags file if ctags was installed after VIM?

2017-08-17 16:15 GMT-04:00 Nikolay Aleksandrovich Pavlov <>:
> 2017-08-17 22:04 GMT+03:00 Jose Caballero <>:
>> 2017-08-17 14:51 GMT-04:00 Gary Johnson <>:
>>> On 2017-08-17, Jose Caballero wrote:
>>>> In both cases, after trying a tag, :ts gives me the same, similar to
>>>> # pri kind tag file
>>>> 1 F C i StatusInterface plugins/status/
>>>> from interfaces import StatusInterface
>>>> 2 F c StatusInterface
>>>> class StatusInterface(object):
>>>> And, indeed, typing the number opens the right file, as it was
>>>> supposed to work with CTRL+]
>>>> It is like the actual command CTRL+] is the one that is not working in
>>>> one of the hosts, but the tags information has been read by VIM and
>>>> it's reachable via :ts
>>> You could execute
>>> :verbose map <C-]>
>>> where those are all printable characters and not a literal CTRL-],
>>> to see if there is a mapping for CTRL-] and if it exists, where it
>>> is defined.
>>> Regards,
>>> Gary
>> Thanks for the tip.
>> At this point, I need to do a little bit of googling, as I am not sure
>> how to interpret the results.
>> :verbose map <C-]>
>> No mapping found
>> :nmap
>> n [m *@:call <SNR>22_Python_jump('?^\s*\(class\|def\)')<CR>
>> n [[ *@:call <SNR>22_Python_jump('?^\(class\|def\)')<CR>
>> n ]m *@:call <SNR>22_Python_jump('/^\s*\(class\|def\)')<CR>
>> n ]] *@:call <SNR>22_Python_jump('/^\(class\|def\)')<CR>
>> n gx <Plug>NetrwBrowseX
>> n <Plug>NetrwBrowseX * :call netrw#NetrwBrowseX(expand("<cWORD>"),0)<CR>
>> Here the problem is simply my lack of knowledge, I have homework to do.
>> Thanks anyways to everyone for your time and tips.
>> Cheers,
>> Jose
> One of the other things which may affect <C-]> is &iskeyword setting:
> check `:verbose set iskeyword?`. Note that &iskeyword setting is
> likely to be the culprint if presence of certain non-alphanumeric
> characters (e.g. underscore) makes tag not possible to find: any sane
> configuration for non-esoteric languages will include a-zA-Z0-9 in
> &iskeyword.

In both cases

:verbose set iskeword?

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